White Oak Construction Wins People’s Choice at Salem Contractors Exchange Annual Meeting
Lincoln City, Ore. (May 22, 2014) – At its annual banquet in Lincoln City, Salem’s White Oak Construction (WOC) was honored with a number of awards for both individual and project achievement. They received:
People’s Choice Award for the Department of Human Services (DHS) tenant improvement project.
WOC Subcontractors Awards based on the Contractors Specification Institute Categories:
Individual Achievement:
o Division 9 Finishes/Drywall: Alex Rux of LP Company (DHS)
o Division 26-Electrical: Oliver Raab, Jet Industries, (DHS)
Project Achievement:
o Division 9 Finishes Drywall award: LP Company (DHS)
WOC and their subcontractors Certificates of Recognition:
o Division 1 Projects valuing $2-5 million: WOC (DHS)
o Division 7 Roofing: Rick Grabenhorst, McGilchrist Roofing (DHS)
o Division 9 Carpet: Darrell Salter, Rubensteins Carpet (DHS)
o Division 9 Painting: Dave Rudiman, Pacific Painting (Willamette Valley Treatment Center)
o Division 21 Fire Suppression: Oliver Raab Jet Industries (DHS).